Си го скрши рбетот, докторите се бореа за нејзиниот живот, а по 11 недели ги изненади сите!

Навистина тешка животна приказна има натпреварувачката во мотоциклизам Кристина Витолкас, која си го скрши рбетот во несреќа при пад од мотор, а докторите сметаа дека никогаш повеќе нема да може да се движи.

Докторите се бореа за нејзиниот живот по несреќата, па порачаа дека таа ќе остане парализирана, но девојката не се откажа и 11 недели подоцна им докажа на сите дека грешеле.

Витолкас беше пресреќна што конечно повторно се качи на мотор и им докажа на сите дека желбата за спортот е посилна од болката.


Didn’t ever imagine writing a post at the 11 week mark about getting back on a motorbike 😅 but here I am chuffed because as scary as it was it was amazing 🙌🏼😍 I told James I wanted to hop on for a quick joy ride yesterday (nothing serious as I still have months to go before I’m OK’d for high intensity sports/activities) but when I was out there today James asked if I was ready and to be honest I wasn’t I had changed my mind. Something that most of you will never understand and I hope none of you ever have to but having to completely rely and trust someone else thats not going to indanger you or harm you is so much harder to do when you have no legs to save you from hitting the ground even though I love and trust James and he would never put me in a situation i wasn’t safe, it’s just hard for me and my fear kicked in. 23 lucky and thankful years I’ve had these legs and it’s so hard to get used to not using them especially now to save myself from falling... point I was trying to state was -set your life on fire and seek those you fan your flame 🔥- I surround myself with people who believe in me and want to see me grow even when I start to doubt myself. Once you cross the point of fear and take that leap you’re instantly feeling enjoyment & growth and why wouldn’t you want to feel that? 🥰 so thank you babe for my test ride cannot wait till the day I can ride it myself along side you 😘🤘🏼

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